Monday, March 25, 2013

Adjustable cam pullies for Ducati

I received some adjustable cam pullies today from MADASL in the UK.  I had sent Mark all the original pullies I could find that came from the days when we fitted the Vee Two adjustable pullies.  Mark modifies them to make them adjustable, which suits my love of recycling just fine.

I have 16 in total, 2 round tooth aluminium (originally 916/996SPS), 10 round tooth steel and 4 square tooth steel (pre 98 400, 500, 600, 650 and 750).

The thing I really like about them is that, unlike the Vee Two pullies, you can drill holes through them to fix settings.  I did this to a pair of Vee Two ones years ago for the 750 motor in Minnie, but because they have lightening holes in the back section, drilling them usually leads into air.  I drilled a lot of holes to get two that were usable.  These MADASL pullies have a solid section between the slots on the toothed section and the centre piece is solid.  So you can fix a setting, drill a hole, then fix another setting and drill again.  Up to 4 times.  Woo hoo.  Well, if you want to play with timing on the dyno, track or anywhere else anyway.

Prices per pair, including GST and postage Australia wide: round tooth aluminium $200, round tooth steel $170, square tooth steel $170.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Are these still available??